Friday, February 7, 2014

Hello World

Here goes. *Big Breath* This is my very first post. I've been reading a lot about blogging lately. It seems that I,as a new unknown blogger, am supposed to pick a niche to blog about. My choice of niches could include home decor, makeup, DIY projects, writing, book reviewing, sharing my day to day life and a million and one other things. People blog about what inspires them and moves them. I don't know about the other millions of people out there but I am not inspired by one single thing. 

I am inspired by the shadows the sunlight makes on my walls in the mornings, by the color of the leaves in the fall, by the books I read, by the conversations I have, by the music that makes me want to sing, by looking through the home sections at stores, by the things I see, touch, taste and feel. There are just too many wonderful, bright, and shiny things that catch my attention.  Now I could just have inspiration ADD but I don't feel like I should have to limit myself to just one topic. 

My hope is to share with you the things that make me FEEL and that you feel something too. Life is this constantly changing, terrible mess and you really have to search out moments of joy and happiness. I will be sharing what I think are wondrous and rare things. It could be a review of a new book I devoured in a single sitting. It could be a tutorial of how to make flower girl tutu dresses, scrap paper flowers, or  how to decoupage cheap wooden frames. I'll share snippets of my life and experiences and adventures. I'll share my triumphs and aspirations and my failures. I'll be sharing most of all, myself.

For now the first thing of business will be naming this blog. My boyfriend joked around with me that I should name it Drunk & Crafty but I'm not sure if that is the best idea. On one of my visits to Chicago land, his mother requested I teach her to make paper snowflakes after I had a few beers. Many giggles later we had ill proportioned gigantic snowflakes and I was dubbed Drunk & Crafty. The name makes me laugh but I'm afraid  would give others the wrong impression.  Please share any thoughts or suggestions. Comments are adored!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh my gosh, I'm terrible at this commenting thing! Candis, I LOVE the name Drunk and Crafty! I don't think it gives a negative impression... it's just easy to relate to :)

  3. Thank you for piping in. I really do appreciate the feedback!
